Friday, April 15, 2011

Your 2012 Election Predictions

Alright, although I don't like to think about it too much, 2012 is not that far away, which means elections will be held, and maybe a new president will take office. Right now, I hate to say it, but it looks like any one person running could win, with the right campaigning and strategies. Let's face it, America looks for the first solution to any problem, and if it's good enough, we buy into it. I feel that ANYONE could run, and convince the American people that they are the right person. I think it's obvious we have problems when we have Donald Trump saying he "wished he didn't have to run for president and fix everything." I think he is a joke, and I really don't know how it's going to pan out. I am hoping that President Obama gets a 2nd term, because I feel that term will define his presidency, but we can only wait and see...

Reflect on Your Writing Progress in the Course

Well, I don't feel like there's much to say about my writing progress throughout this semester. I really haven't written that many papers, and I feel like it's the same as it was before. I feel that I have an oppurtunity to redeem or progress my writing through my research paper, though. Hopefully with that assignment, I can produce a good paper, and earn a good grade.

Friday, April 1, 2011

New Research Sites That You’ve Come Across

Whenever one is attemption to write a paper, especially a research paper, one of the most important things is to cite all your sources. But what's even more important is making sure you are using a website that you can not only trust, but that is filled with information that is accurate, and not outdated. I honestly don't know of any new up and coming websites coming aboutm but I do know some websites that are good would include,,,, and as hilarious as this may sound, If there's one thing I have learned, it's that google can do anything.

Define Decolonization

According to's website, Decolonization is defined as to free a colony from dependent status. Basically, removing a said place or colony from colonialazation, and making it free, and independent. Some examples of this would be found all over the world, where Egypyt, Greece, Bulgaria and even the Ottoman empire all went through and experienced this.

What Makes Argument By Pathos Successful?

For those who don't know, Pathos is the quality or power of a life experience. This is somply why the argument of pathos is and can be successful. The argument of pathos appeals to emotions, and its attirbutes include vivid, concrete, and emotionally charged language. Along with that, there are connotative meanings, emotional examples, and vivid descriptions of things. When arguing with Pathos, its almost impossible to be wrong, unless you are providing wrong information. It's effective, descriptive, and it works.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The International Monetary Fund, and Its Influences

The International Monetary Fund is an intergovernmental orginazation that oversees the financial global system by following the members of its participting countries, especially those whom have an impact on exchange rate and balance of payments. Countires such as the United States, Japan, and China are all a part of this organazation. Its influence can be either seen as great or not so great depending who you are, and where you are from.

Is America Falling Behind?

America has always been seen as the country who has their things together, and gets things done. Here's the reality: at this point in time, America isn'r exactly leadin the pack. It's a known fact that America is behind. Think about just China alone, and what they are doing, with culture, technology, you name it, and they got it together. Our economy is weaak, we're over 20 BILLION dollars in debt, and our nation's leaders can't agree on anything at all. How are things suppose to get done if all people are doing is disagreeing or picking fights?

Friday, February 18, 2011

What Media Sources Are Reliable? How Do You Know?

The media is a huge part of not only the United States, but all over the world. The media is how we get our information, our news, and what's important to us as fast as possible. There are many different sources of media, some I feel are reliable, other's not so much. For example, Fox News is blatently all conservative biased, and is truly unfair to people who try and watch it because it's all one-sided. Most news stations are, and it's hard to come across those that aren't. Honestly, my sources of news usually come from the internet, because I feel the biased is less apparent on it. I don't watch that much news to begin with, solely because as mentioned before, it's hard to find an actualy newscast that isn't taking a side.

How Might Your Understanding of American Culture Change If You Lived in Another Country?

America! Home of the free, land of the brave. What a great country, right? Well, living here for 20 years of my life, I can I obviously like it, with the freedom and rights I actually do have, but if i may take a moment to discuss American culture, I can sum it up in two words: it sucks. Let' s just look at the facts. Our economy isn't doing horrible, but still isn't all that great. We as a country are the fattest in the world, we are lazy, sloth-like, you name it. All we do is watch television, play video games, and don't appreciate the things we should. Granted, this is all my opinion, but if I was in another country trying to understand the culture, I wouldn't get it. America is just so different from everyone else. Fast food is a huge stat alone as well. All in all, I think America can improve on its culture, but will that happen? Doubtful.

What Country Will Soon Be the World's Biggest Economy?

I'm not much of an economics or numbers person, but I do have enough knowledge to think that
China 's economy will soon dominate the world. I believe at this time they are the number two economy, but steadily heading towards number one. Just take a moment to think about China, and what they do. They are a very different country from the United States. Why it was just today in my education class that we were talking about how China's education system is more than far ahead of the United States. They are keeping their kids in school, early and longer, and their citizens are educated much more efficiently in almost every subject. They thrive on their corporations, and the importing/exporting they do. All in all, China seems to have it together, and I don't see them slowing down anytime soon.

What Can Be Done to Solve World Poverty?

Althought I don't always think about it, world poverty is one issue that makes me feel horrible about life. The fact that there are thousands upon thousands of people starving everyday, with no food, is upsetting. Is there a way to stop poverty yourself? No, but there's always a way you can make a difference. One way you can do so is by donating money. There are many organizations who would gladly take your generousity, and turn it into food for people who have none. Participating in food drives, and other such events help a significant amount as well. As for world poverty, it's pretty much the same situation, you can donate money, or get involved with organazations around the world. The only way this problem could get solved is if we all work together to make poverty a thing of the past.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Your Global Concerns

As each day goes on, I find myself watching the news less and less, and choosing not to pay attention to the television. I feel like every single time i turn on the news, something bad is happening, and then the next day something worse, and on, and on, and on. Despite this recent trend, I do still have many global concerns. For example, the troops that are overseas. Although I don't know anyone personally over there, I strongly feel that all of our troops should have been home a very long time ago. Another global concern I have is global warming. Some people choose to ignore this issue, but the evidence is there, and whoever says it's not real is completely incoherent. If we keep destroying our planet, it's only going to make things worse and worse. Other than that, a political global concern I have is with all the people who are leaders in this country. Every single conservative talks about how Barack Obama is the president in the history of the United States. I'm not saying he's the best, not at all, but maybe they should stop attacking/worrying about him, and I don't know, together? to solve some issues? Wow, what an idea.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Introduce Yourself

Who am I? I'm Daniel Alfred Feingol. I'm 20 years young, and a current sophmore at Northeastern Illinois University. Currently, my major is Secondary Education in English, but I'm honestly still not sure if that's what i want to do. I was born November 7th, 1990, and for the first 10 years of my life, lived on the south side of chicago, around 57th and Kedzie. When my family moved, we moved to the north side of town, around Foster and Harlem Ave. I attended Seward Academy for grammar school, and Notre Dame College Prep for high school. I have the best job in the world working for the Chicago Cubs as a Crowd Control. Basically, I take names, and kick ass. I have a wonderful girlfriend, Brittany, who I have been involved with for over 2 years. She's pretty much the best thing to ever happen to me, and she takes care of me when she's sick. Other than that, one thing everyone should know about me is that you will never meet anyone else like me. I'm very much a cartoon charecter most of the time.