Friday, February 18, 2011

What Media Sources Are Reliable? How Do You Know?

The media is a huge part of not only the United States, but all over the world. The media is how we get our information, our news, and what's important to us as fast as possible. There are many different sources of media, some I feel are reliable, other's not so much. For example, Fox News is blatently all conservative biased, and is truly unfair to people who try and watch it because it's all one-sided. Most news stations are, and it's hard to come across those that aren't. Honestly, my sources of news usually come from the internet, because I feel the biased is less apparent on it. I don't watch that much news to begin with, solely because as mentioned before, it's hard to find an actualy newscast that isn't taking a side.

1 comment:

  1. Daniel,

    great comeback with the blogs. The pics are a nice touch!

    It's interesting that media related to television a lot of people deem unreliable; but when it comes to the internet, people agree that sources are more reliable. Here I would caution that internet sources be treated with the same discretion. Cross-checking stories as well as consulting international sources is a good way to determine online news media reliability.
