Friday, February 18, 2011

What Can Be Done to Solve World Poverty?

Althought I don't always think about it, world poverty is one issue that makes me feel horrible about life. The fact that there are thousands upon thousands of people starving everyday, with no food, is upsetting. Is there a way to stop poverty yourself? No, but there's always a way you can make a difference. One way you can do so is by donating money. There are many organizations who would gladly take your generousity, and turn it into food for people who have none. Participating in food drives, and other such events help a significant amount as well. As for world poverty, it's pretty much the same situation, you can donate money, or get involved with organazations around the world. The only way this problem could get solved is if we all work together to make poverty a thing of the past.

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