Friday, February 18, 2011

How Might Your Understanding of American Culture Change If You Lived in Another Country?

America! Home of the free, land of the brave. What a great country, right? Well, living here for 20 years of my life, I can I obviously like it, with the freedom and rights I actually do have, but if i may take a moment to discuss American culture, I can sum it up in two words: it sucks. Let' s just look at the facts. Our economy isn't doing horrible, but still isn't all that great. We as a country are the fattest in the world, we are lazy, sloth-like, you name it. All we do is watch television, play video games, and don't appreciate the things we should. Granted, this is all my opinion, but if I was in another country trying to understand the culture, I wouldn't get it. America is just so different from everyone else. Fast food is a huge stat alone as well. All in all, I think America can improve on its culture, but will that happen? Doubtful.

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