Friday, April 15, 2011

Your 2012 Election Predictions

Alright, although I don't like to think about it too much, 2012 is not that far away, which means elections will be held, and maybe a new president will take office. Right now, I hate to say it, but it looks like any one person running could win, with the right campaigning and strategies. Let's face it, America looks for the first solution to any problem, and if it's good enough, we buy into it. I feel that ANYONE could run, and convince the American people that they are the right person. I think it's obvious we have problems when we have Donald Trump saying he "wished he didn't have to run for president and fix everything." I think he is a joke, and I really don't know how it's going to pan out. I am hoping that President Obama gets a 2nd term, because I feel that term will define his presidency, but we can only wait and see...

Reflect on Your Writing Progress in the Course

Well, I don't feel like there's much to say about my writing progress throughout this semester. I really haven't written that many papers, and I feel like it's the same as it was before. I feel that I have an oppurtunity to redeem or progress my writing through my research paper, though. Hopefully with that assignment, I can produce a good paper, and earn a good grade.

Friday, April 1, 2011

New Research Sites That You’ve Come Across

Whenever one is attemption to write a paper, especially a research paper, one of the most important things is to cite all your sources. But what's even more important is making sure you are using a website that you can not only trust, but that is filled with information that is accurate, and not outdated. I honestly don't know of any new up and coming websites coming aboutm but I do know some websites that are good would include,,,, and as hilarious as this may sound, If there's one thing I have learned, it's that google can do anything.

Define Decolonization

According to's website, Decolonization is defined as to free a colony from dependent status. Basically, removing a said place or colony from colonialazation, and making it free, and independent. Some examples of this would be found all over the world, where Egypyt, Greece, Bulgaria and even the Ottoman empire all went through and experienced this.

What Makes Argument By Pathos Successful?

For those who don't know, Pathos is the quality or power of a life experience. This is somply why the argument of pathos is and can be successful. The argument of pathos appeals to emotions, and its attirbutes include vivid, concrete, and emotionally charged language. Along with that, there are connotative meanings, emotional examples, and vivid descriptions of things. When arguing with Pathos, its almost impossible to be wrong, unless you are providing wrong information. It's effective, descriptive, and it works.