Friday, March 4, 2011

The International Monetary Fund, and Its Influences

The International Monetary Fund is an intergovernmental orginazation that oversees the financial global system by following the members of its participting countries, especially those whom have an impact on exchange rate and balance of payments. Countires such as the United States, Japan, and China are all a part of this organazation. Its influence can be either seen as great or not so great depending who you are, and where you are from.

Is America Falling Behind?

America has always been seen as the country who has their things together, and gets things done. Here's the reality: at this point in time, America isn'r exactly leadin the pack. It's a known fact that America is behind. Think about just China alone, and what they are doing, with culture, technology, you name it, and they got it together. Our economy is weaak, we're over 20 BILLION dollars in debt, and our nation's leaders can't agree on anything at all. How are things suppose to get done if all people are doing is disagreeing or picking fights?