Friday, January 21, 2011

Your Global Concerns

As each day goes on, I find myself watching the news less and less, and choosing not to pay attention to the television. I feel like every single time i turn on the news, something bad is happening, and then the next day something worse, and on, and on, and on. Despite this recent trend, I do still have many global concerns. For example, the troops that are overseas. Although I don't know anyone personally over there, I strongly feel that all of our troops should have been home a very long time ago. Another global concern I have is global warming. Some people choose to ignore this issue, but the evidence is there, and whoever says it's not real is completely incoherent. If we keep destroying our planet, it's only going to make things worse and worse. Other than that, a political global concern I have is with all the people who are leaders in this country. Every single conservative talks about how Barack Obama is the president in the history of the United States. I'm not saying he's the best, not at all, but maybe they should stop attacking/worrying about him, and I don't know, together? to solve some issues? Wow, what an idea.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Introduce Yourself

Who am I? I'm Daniel Alfred Feingol. I'm 20 years young, and a current sophmore at Northeastern Illinois University. Currently, my major is Secondary Education in English, but I'm honestly still not sure if that's what i want to do. I was born November 7th, 1990, and for the first 10 years of my life, lived on the south side of chicago, around 57th and Kedzie. When my family moved, we moved to the north side of town, around Foster and Harlem Ave. I attended Seward Academy for grammar school, and Notre Dame College Prep for high school. I have the best job in the world working for the Chicago Cubs as a Crowd Control. Basically, I take names, and kick ass. I have a wonderful girlfriend, Brittany, who I have been involved with for over 2 years. She's pretty much the best thing to ever happen to me, and she takes care of me when she's sick. Other than that, one thing everyone should know about me is that you will never meet anyone else like me. I'm very much a cartoon charecter most of the time.